Julia's walk

 It was a slow Friday night at the bar in the middle of October. People were coming and leaving. Smoke was available for everyone. The music is a nostalgic, fuzzy blues-rock with large open guitars, slow bass and short beats.

The waitress was locking the chairs from the outdoor sitting area. She is a young Polish blond mid to late 20s, short, strong and serious at work and focused on her studies but i never got her name. She was moving fast in space as her shift was already finished. The barman was a Russian guy, long beard and long dark blond hair working on IT, his name I can't remember. He was sweating for no reason while wearing a t-shirt. He knew everyone sitting on the bar except me and they were talking and laughing in German about random stuff i couldn't understand. I was having my second glass of beer and it was around 11 o'clock. I never check my phone while sitting on the bar. The barman tells me to go outside and smoke "that", now that the door is closed. And I did.

Julia smelled L'essence on the air, as she normally would on this neighborhood streets, at this time, on a Friday. Today though she stopped and asked for a few puffs from a random guy like me and sought for a quick chat, not small talk. She asked me where I am from as she talked to me in German and i just reacted to her body language asking for my jay. She told me that she was feeling lonely and was missing her ex boyfriend. A four year long relationship that ended up in a bad way. She was having a cigarette outside his flat looking at his window, hoping he will see her or come outside. Her concision timer was one cigarette, a Marlboro light. She wanted to see him today after four months, she needed to see how he is, to hug him. Her cigarette ended and she was returning home. She passed mine back and we hugged each other for a second and she left. I went back inside quickly. It was the first Friday night that you needed a coat to go out. 

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